Key Control
Your Employee Asset Management Solution - Only $99 for a 3 user license
Keep ALL your assets under control. It's not just for keys. With Key Control, you can easily assign assets to your employees and track them a variety of ways. Track employee's laptops, keys, credit cards and more!
Product Highlights
Keep track of any items you give your employees, such as
- ID Cards- Cell Phones
- Cars / Parts
- Office Keys
- Company Laptops
- Heavy Duty Equipment
- Beepers
- Credit Cards
- Tools
Or any assets assigned to employees
Easily check out/check in assets
Track assets in a variety of ways
Import/Export Data
Generate a variety of reports
Print customized receipts for assets assigned
Save reports as .TXT, .HTML, or .PDF files
Works with Windows XP or higher
"Any operation that needs accurate, efficient and user friendly control of small to large numbers of assets should investigate the capabilities of Key Control from Castle Computer." - a satisfied user
3 user license only $99